
How Donations are Used:
Hunter’s Heroes relies on the support from individuals, businesses and organizations to increase childhood cancer awareness in hopes of increased funding and a cure.  As a supporter of Hunter’s Heroes you share our mission to find a cure for childhood cancer, so one day, no parent has to hear that their child has cancer. Donations will be used for cancer research, specifically for brain tumor research and advances in treatment; increase childhood cancer awareness; and provide uplifting gifts and monetary contributions to families with a child diagnosed with cancer.  Our fundraising activities allow us to contribute monetary donations to childhood cancer research initiatives as well as provide monetary support and care packages to children and their families that are battling cancer.  Care packages are created for oncology patients at local hospitals in the MD, VA, and Washington, DC area.
Hunter’s Heroes, Inc. thanks you for your kindness and generosity.

Taxes and your Donation
Hunter’s Heroes, Inc. is classified as a non-profit 501(c)(3). As a result of your generosity, we are able to provide support to families with children who are battling cancer. Donations to Hunter’s Heroes are tax deductible.